Why Labor will win the 2024 NT election: A chat with noted psephologist Doctor Advocatus Diaboli

The NT election will be held tomorrow, 24 August 2024. I now reckon that Eva Lawler’s Australian Labor Party (ALP) will squeak back to office with either a one-seat majority or as a minority government with the support of an Independent. That’s not a reckoning shared by most of those I’ve talked to over the [...]

The Sports – Live at Billboard. Melbourne, 1981

The Sports Live At Billboard 1981 is the 42nd release of the Australian Road Crew Association’s (ARCA) Desk Tape Series. Many years ago while based in a land far away – well, Melbourne – I worked with The Sports in Australia and the UK as an FoH (front of house) sound engineer who tried – [...]

The vernacular architecture of Ltyentye Apurte racecourse, NT

A few years back I was lucky enough to get out to the (semi) annual horse races at Ltyentye Apurte (also known as Santa Teresa), a small community east of Alice Springs. You can see a selection of my photos from the day's racing here. Recently I was going through some old photo files and [...]

Darwin’s Lee Point and the NIYBY’s (Not In Your Back Yard)

The recent news – see the grab below – that a group of southern Fly-In-and then later Fly-Out workers were threatening not to return to work in the Northern Territory was met with entirely predictable responses from Territorians. We’ve never really liked being told what to do and how by any “Southerners”, let alone a [...]

Meshell Ndegeocello reckons the world would be a better place if Dolly Parton were President!

Meshell Ndegeocello was at her go-to repository of auditory delights—Amoeba Music on Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles last October showing off her tote bag of goodies as part of their irregular, funny and revealing "Whats In My Bag" sessions. The YouTube clip gives a pretty good idea of Meshell's catholic musical and artistic tastes - [...]

Ethnoornithology at St Louis Missouri, April 2024

Regular readers will know that I’ve been attending—and presenting—at various meetings of different ethnobiological and related associations over the past two decades, starting with Australasian Ornithological Conferences as far back as 2001 and (fairly) regularly at a variety of Australian and international meetings since then. COVID-19, work and a patch of ill health has prevented [...]

By |2024-03-12T20:45:13+09:30March 12th, 2024|Birds and people, Ethnoornithology, Fun stuff, Some places I've been, The Northern Myth|Comments Off on Ethnoornithology at St Louis Missouri, April 2024

Horse Trank and friends. Darwin Railway Club, 23 February 2024

A couple weeks back I had a night out at Darwin's Railway Club with three young women hitting strings and skins and a coupla bunches of old(er) blokes doing the same but without a pair of decent trousers (or a full set of teeth) between them. Notwithstanding those apparent shortcomings (pun intended) it was great [...]

In the NT juvenile offenders sleep on million dollar beds

Photo: National Indigenous Times This Musical Dispatch from the Front is a guest post by my old—in both senses of that word—friend Frank Baarda,* a long-term resident of Yuendumu. Hiya Folks, I consider myself lucky to have experienced an age when nuclear submarines didn’t cost $5 billion and to keep an almost vacant offshore asylum [...]

Emily Wurramara, The Darwin Railway Club

20 February 2024 It was a select but sold out crowd that saw a great show from Emily Wurramara at the Railway Club in Darwin earlier tonight. We were all happy to see her back on stage in Darwin on a hot February night. Emily was ably supported by local duo Reverie at what for [...]

By |2024-02-20T23:44:15+09:30February 20th, 2024|Fun stuff, Music, Photography, Some places I've been, The Arts, The Northern Myth|Comments Off on Emily Wurramara, The Darwin Railway Club

A crocodile called Elvis

Part 3: Munkara v Santos NA Barossa Pty Ltd (No 3) Not the Tiwi Island Crocodile called "Elvis". But a nice one nonetheless ... At paragraph 312 of Justice Natalie Charlesworth’s decision in Munkara v Santos NA Barossa Pty Ltd (No 3) witness Tony Pilakui said in his statement that he disputed the truth of [...]

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