“He just killed mum.” Eleven years on the NT’s triple-0 service is still in the Stone Age

NT Coroner Elisabeth Armitage at NT police HQ. Photo: Melissa Mackay, ABC In January 2012 Crikey published a piece I wrote ($) looking at the concerns expressed by an Aboriginal law and justice support group from the about-as-remote-as-you-can-get NT community of Lajamanu—800 kilometres southwest of Darwin and 900 hundred north-west of Alice Springs—in reaction to [...]

By |2023-07-07T11:10:30+09:30July 7th, 2023|Australian politics, Crime, Lajamanu, Media, Northern development, Northern Territory politics, NT Police, Some places I've been, The Law, The Northern Myth, The NT Intervention|Comments Off on “He just killed mum.” Eleven years on the NT’s triple-0 service is still in the Stone Age

Voter suppression in Australia’s deep north?

Last week two Aboriginal men—Matthew Ryan and Ross Mandi—filed a complaint to the Australian Human Rights Commission (the AHRC) against the Australian Electoral Commission (the AEC) alleging that the AEC has effectively suppressed the Aboriginal vote in remote areas in the Northern Territory.

Essential documents from Aboriginal Australia: 8 – The 2018 Barunga Agreement

On the 8th of  June 2018 the Northern Territory Government and the NT’s four Aboriginal Land Councils signed an historic Memorandum of Understanding paving the way for consultations to begin with Aboriginal people about a Treaty. The MoU was signed on the first day of the Barunga Sport and Cultural Festival and the 30th anniversary [...]

People Like Us, We Come From T/Here. Always Have, Always Will. Marntaj.

My family’s journey is but one of thousands of similar travels and travails undertaken by Stolen Generations’ members and their descendants. I follow in the footsteps of my grandparents – Bessie and Joe Senior; my father – Joe, and through the determined efforts of my mother, Dorothy, to ensure my father was reunited with his/our family. It is because of them – all gone now - that I have been able to undertake my journey, to work out where ‘home’ is for me.

“Better than Roy and HG!!” – Stewie O’Connell calls the footy at the Yuendumu Sports Weekend

One fella came up to me at the end of the second day and said the comedy that came out of the commentators trying to keep up with whose who on the field was “better than Roy and HG!!” The starting point in any footy commentary is to get a good team sheet in numerical order. The challenge out bush is that there are often three players wearing the same number, several players with no number and some players with no guernsey at all. That’s when you have to get creative and write the player’s name next to “red boots”; “barefoot”; “topknot”; “big tummy” etc.

Reforming Northern Territory self-government – Reconciling the Two Towers of Power – Part Two

The mistake the politicians made (although Clare Martin was an honourable exception) was to conclude that this very long-standing “emergency” demanded that the white politicians and bureaucrats urgently devise and impose their own “expert” punitive, paternalistic policy solutions on those recalcitrant, irresponsible black fellas who wouldn’t even protect their own children from the thugs and paedophiles in their midst.

Reforming Northern Territory self-government – Reconciling the Two Towers of Power – Part One

The Territory government and land councils each have significant real world authority over the same land mass, and therefore real roles in important decisions made about land use, tenure and development on half of the Territory’s land, which in turn comprises twenty percent of Australia’s land mass.

Essential documents from Aboriginal Australia: 7 – the 2008 Yuendumu Petition

Supporti-ki karlipa wangkami, tala manu nyiya kanti-kanti yungungurlu ngalpa yinyi nyampurla ngurungka. Nyampurla Yurntumu-rla panu karlipa madarni nyiya-ningki-jarra ngula karliparla yulkami. Madarni karlipa jana Mt Theo program, kurdu kurdu kurlangu, Warlpiri-rli ngulpa karlipa jana tiji-mani, PAW, Mampumaninja-Kurlangu jarlu patu ku, WarlukurIangu arts centre, manu yangka ngula kalu jana mardarni wiri-wiri-rli kurdu-kurdu. Ngulalparlipa mangu pungkalayi, Yungurlu ngalpa nyanyi nguru kari wardingki-rli pirrdiji ngula karlipa mardarni.

10 more years of “beads and mirrors” – Yuendumu’s 2008 ‘Statement from the Heart’

Yapa-patu nganimpa, Yurnturnu wardingki karndu nyarra wangkami ny arnpu statemcnt purdanyajaku manu yungurnkurlu pina kanyi Federal manu N.T. Government kirra ... Nyurru ngurla juku!

Day 1 – Northern Territory governance summit – Introductory Remarks

The political instability, division and in some cases poor ethical behaviour  that have been evident especially over the last 4 years but to an extent over the last decade indicate that there is a need for stronger governance safeguards ensuring greater levels of accountability and transparency from our politicians.

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