Art from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists and communities across Australia … and beyond.

Bunggul with Boots on!

A Special Report from Football Correspondent H.G. Nelson at the 2024 Barunga Festival The Arnhem Crows – 2024 AFLNTW Barunga Festival Grand Final winners Footy Heads, Barunga Festival 2024 was a humungous array of craft, music, dance, damper making, and of course spear throwing. Of course, sport was part of it. In fact, it was [...]

Vale Dr Bush-Blanasi 1961 – 2023

Northern Land Council – Statement on the passing of the NLC Chairman, Dr Bush-Blanasi The following is a statement released this morning by the Northern Land Council Today we mourn the loss of Dr Bush-Blanasi. His mother was a Yolngu woman from the Blue Mud Bay region and he was raised by a Mayili man [...]

By |2023-11-13T11:18:08+09:30November 13th, 2023|Aboriginal & Islander Art, Australian politics, Indigenous land management, Media, Northern Territory politics, Some places I've been, The Law, The Northern Myth|Comments Off on Vale Dr Bush-Blanasi 1961 – 2023

Are we there yet? Art Gallery of the Month – Burra Regional Art Gallery, SA

Denise Officer. Tanked. Pitcairn Station SA (2023) Are we there yet? takes its name from the incessant question from kids in the back of the car; the upcoming referendum; and/or from Ithaka, a poem by the distinguished Greek poet C. P. Cavafy. Are we there yet? features the work of three artists based in and [...]

By |2023-08-24T18:03:54+09:30August 24th, 2023|Aboriginal & Islander Art, Art, Fun stuff, Poetry, Some places I've been, The Arts, The Northern Myth, Writing and writers|Comments Off on Are we there yet? Art Gallery of the Month – Burra Regional Art Gallery, SA

Tribute. Yunupingu, 30 June 1948—3 April 2023

I have lived my song cycle … In remembering this extraordinary Aboriginal leader it is difficult to forget the meaning of his family name—Yunupingu—which in the Gumatj dialect of the Yolngu Matha language family means “the rock that stands against time”.Across so many decades, Yunupingu’s deeds and actions in the struggles for lands, seas, language [...]

By |2023-04-03T22:58:38+09:30April 3rd, 2023|Aboriginal & Islander Art, Australian politics, Indigenous land management, Northern development, Northern Territory politics, Some places I've been, The Law, The Northern Myth|Comments Off on Tribute. Yunupingu, 30 June 1948—3 April 2023

Finding Lost Mudburra Art. Part One

Not a lot has changed since I last looked at Elliott/Kulumindini six years ago—it is still stuck in an administrative worm hole. Services from all levels of government fall between the jurisdictional cracks often because Elliott is equidistant from the major Northern Territory service and administrative centres of Darwin and Alice Springs.

Why are the secrets of the Pitjantjara people for sale in Adelaide?

Foster and Others v Mountford and Rigby Ltd 14 ALR 71 (1976) was an unusual case in a number of respects. Firstly, the plaintiffs were members of an unincorporated association (the Pitjantjara Council) that represented the Pitjantjara people, who live on large tracts of land that spans the south-western corner of the Northern Territory, the north-west of South Australia and the far central east of Western Australia ...

Blow-flies, “honey” and secret recipes: the great NAIDOC Blachung cook-off of 2019

"The prawn paste is the base of any proper Blachung of course but a lot of people use really different things. Some use chicken giblets, turtle guts, goose giblets. All sorts of stuff. Some of it is very, very hot, some is mild and some has more flavour than heat. I like a lot of heat and a lot of flavour!": Nigel Browne, Larrakia Development Corporation.

Art in translation: Murray Garde and John Mawurndjul

One of the most troublesome subjects for interpreters who work with Australian languages is finding acceptable ways to refer to the concept of a sacred site. In Kuninjku, these are known as Djang. In central Australia, the term Tjukurrpa is becoming more well known by non-Indigenous people. These terms involve more than just a location, but also ideas about deep history, the period of creation and the association between specific groups of people and totemic aspects which have their historical focus in these places. The term ‘Dreaming’ is so inadequate and misleading and so many Indigenous people are starting to reject this term, although others continue to use it.

Singing Wardaman Country, one Gouldian Finch at a time.

This is a re-post of an article first published in the February 2018 edition of Land Rights News (Northern Edition) by the Northern Land Council. Birds are closely connected to Wardaman culture. Many Wardaman dances have been adapted from bird movements and much Wardaman rock art depicts birds. […]

Book-burnings of our times. Clinton Walker’s Deadly Woman Blues gets pulped …

There are no winners in any of this—a group of women are (rightfully it seems) aggrieved by Walker's (admitted) failures in research and diligence, a respected author has suffered a terrible fall from grace and none of us (well, most of us) will get to read what is/was without doubt a valuable contribution to our shared musical history.

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