“He just killed mum.” Eleven years on the NT’s triple-0 service is still in the Stone Age

NT Coroner Elisabeth Armitage at NT police HQ. Photo: Melissa Mackay, ABC In January 2012 Crikey published a piece I wrote ($) looking at the concerns expressed by an Aboriginal law and justice support group from the about-as-remote-as-you-can-get NT community of Lajamanu—800 kilometres southwest of Darwin and 900 hundred north-west of Alice Springs—in reaction to [...]

By |2023-07-07T11:10:30+09:30July 7th, 2023|Australian politics, Crime, Lajamanu, Media, Northern development, Northern Territory politics, NT Police, Some places I've been, The Law, The Northern Myth, The NT Intervention|Comments Off on “He just killed mum.” Eleven years on the NT’s triple-0 service is still in the Stone Age

Lajamanu — NT police communications back to the Stone Age

Concerns about the Northern Territory Police triple-0 communications system have been around for a while. This is a re-post of a piece I wrote for Crikey in January 2012 on problems with police communications in a very remote community in the Northern Territory. To see how little has changed since that time see this piece [...]

By |2023-07-07T10:44:59+09:30July 7th, 2023|Australian politics, Crime, Lajamanu, Northern development, Northern Territory politics, NT Police, Some places I've been, The Law, The Northern Myth|Comments Off on Lajamanu — NT police communications back to the Stone Age
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