Garrett’s resale royalty Part 2 – Arts Industry says “Take a Cold Shower, Pete!”

Federal Arts Minister Peter Garrett’s proposed resale royalty for visual artworks has been labelled a “disaster for Australian artists” by the body that administers visual arts copyright and licenses. As The Northern Myth reported two weeks ago, many on the Aboriginal arts side of the visual arts industry considered his resale royalty proposal a dud. [...]

By |2008-11-24T10:39:57+09:30November 24th, 2008|Aboriginal & Islander Art, Art, The Arts, The Law, Uncategorized|3 Comments

Garrett’s resale royalty proposal – views from the Aboriginal arts industry

When Big Pete Garrett got to his feet in Parliament last month and announced that he would implement Labor’s long-held commitment to a resale royalty scheme for all Australian visual artists, he told the House that: “This is a landmark and genuinely historic moment for the more than 20,000 Australian visual artists. The decision to [...]

Court day in Yuendumu Part 2 – The Community Court caravan rolls into town

When Stipendiary Magistrate John Birch’s Court caravan rolled into Yuendumu late last week he bought a new model of the law into town with him. Community Courts, as distinct from the regular Magistrates Court being held in a community, have been around in the Territory since 2005 but until last week had only been active [...]

By |2008-10-23T16:49:59+09:30October 23rd, 2008|Australian politics, The Law, The NT Intervention, Yuendumu|1 Comment

Court day in Yuendumu – Part 1

The NT Magistrates Court rolled into Yuendumu for its bi-monthly visit late last week. Leading the 4 wheel-driven caravan was Stipendiary Magistrate John Birch, with an assortment of defence lawyers, police prosecutors and staff from the Central Australian Aboriginal Family Legal service in tow. Add the eight members of the Yuendumu Mediation and Justice Group, [...]

By |2008-10-23T11:26:51+09:30October 22nd, 2008|The Law, The NT Intervention, Yuendumu|7 Comments

NT medical clinic wins over the ACC’s coercive powers

There is a scene near the end if the Coen Brothers’ latest film, Burn After Reading where J. K. Simmons & David Rasche, playing hapless CIA supervisors, wring hands and tear hair at the mounting body-count and sheer confusion that characters played by George Clooney, Frances McDormand, John Malkovich and Brad Pitt have wreaked about [...]

By |2008-11-07T16:11:22+09:30October 21st, 2008|The Law|4 Comments

Buenos Aires – mugging and pick-pocket capital of the world?

Our local guide then really grabbed our attention with her stories about the local pick-pockets and street muggers that prey upon unwitting tourists in this most European of South American cities. "It is okay, they don't use guns or knives" she said, a great relief to me "Just be careful, they are very quick" says the guide, "Give them your money and they won't hurt you."

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