The media and the “riots” in Yuendumu

I can’t think of a single incident in the past in which the Warlpiri residents of Yuendumu have not respected non-Warlpiri residents’ neutrality in such matters. They respect our right to be kept out of it. This respect is not reciprocated by “mainstream” society, that has the arrogant belief that it is entitled to interfere and dictate to remote Aboriginals how they should live their lives. The Intervention epitomises this arrogance.

Interview with Richard Teo, Acting President of the NT Country Liberal Party

Mr Richard Teo, A/President of the CLP: "There was no violence whatsoever. There are a lot of people out there who would like to sink the man. He [Abbott] is one of the best indigenous persons that have come out into the open to openly look for a position in government which we need more people like that for. There are a lot of jealous people out there who would like to sink the man. And we are a fair-go party, we give everyone a chance to prove themselves."

Mud & Blood on the Mississippi in flood* – in pictures

The river was up 40 feet at the Greenville Bridge by the time we got there - swelled by the normal snowmelt in many of the 37 States and 2 Canadian provinces that drain into it and also from the floodwaters that flowed down from the Cumberland River that had trashed Nashville, Tennessee a couple of weeks ago - all of this made for some exciting canoeing - with many of the sandbars and islands under water.

Interview with photojournalist Tim Page – part two

The air in Kabul - particularly in summer - is literally full of flying faecal matter. Your shit turns into dust and when the evening winds start up the city fills up with this dust that is literally full of shit. And it covers every surface. You can walk around your room with a damp cloth 24/7 just cleaning a coating of shit-dust full of faecal matter off everything. It is in the air, in your eyes, it is up your arse and down your throat.

Two fantastic nights on two (and three) wheels at Arunga Park Speedway

This weekend took me back to my childhood and errant youth, when I was a member of the St. George Motorcycle Racing Club in Sydney. My Dad and I tracked all over New South Wales going to all manner of bike races, including the last of the Speedway races at the Sydney Showgrounds and beyond.

McClelland, Macklin & FaHCSIA get an “F” on native title & indigenous housing reforms

There are some days that you’d prefer to be digging a ditch than to be a public servant. Particularly if you were one of the members of Federal Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin’s FaHCSIA staff that turned up to the New South Wales Parliament House on the last Thursday of January to face a grilling [...]

“Doomed to failure”: NT local government reform goes “crazy” – Part 2

From every perspective, timing, project management, from every perspective it was doomed to failure...there were some very strange things happening....the time-frame was crazy...a lack of planning, proper control, and engagement; it was just never going to work.

NT Police to be charged with murder…of the English language

“spastic c**t”; “stupid f**king idiot”; “god, he f**king stinks”; “shut your face.”; “dumb f**k”; “f**king loser”; “d**khead over there”; “… no brain”; “f**king retard"; “piece of s**t that he is”; "you f**king wanker"; shut the f**k up”

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