Punks, junkies, bikies and an iconic poster – From Uluru to Wollongong and back

Wollongong, and in no small way the junkies, punks, bikies—and barmaids—of that town, had made an unsung contribution to the success of the Uluru handback. They had proved to one Anangu man that Australians of good will can be found in the most unexpected places.

Vale The Voice – you never had a chance

Turnbull was right to reject The Voice but he has made an absolute hash of the rest of the recognition issue and has left the field open for Shorten to make merry havoc. It is an old saw but true that there are no votes in Aboriginal policy but Shorten can now pick up and run with the many "other issues" that are still on the table.

Independence day for the Mimal Rangers of Arnhem Land!

Wednesday October 25 marks a new era for Indigenous landowners and managers as Mimal Land Management Aboriginal Corporation celebrates its independence. Mimal has been on a long journey to independence since the inception of Mimal Rangers almost 20 years ago.

Tracker: Stories of Tracker Tilmouth, by Alexis Wright

Tracker was one of the few brilliant statesmanlike leaders we have had – one who stayed close to his own people, and who really had the capacity to push back the boundaries for much of the action that shapes how we think and have thought about our times.

Dear Abby – I have two extra SSM survey envelopes. What do I do?

On Thursday last I went to my post office to check my mail and noted, with some surprise that there were three SSM postal survey envelopes inside. One was addressed to me, the others to a married couple—I’ll call them the Smiths—who had been previous tenants of my post box. Over the past few years [...]

By |2017-09-16T18:22:12+09:30September 16th, 2017|Australian politics, Crime, The Law, The Northern Myth|5 Comments

Mining in the NT – the Gunner government made a good start but …

There are a number of legacy mine sites which pose a risk to the environment and/or public safety. Most of these sites ceased operations before 2005 and predated the requirement for operators to lodge a rehabilitation security bond and have either inadequate or non existent securities. The estimated level of historical mining liabilities in the NT is $1 billion.

What’s a mine worth in the NT? This much …

The mining security bond will be utilised by government, if required, to prevent, minimise or rectify environmental harm caused by mining activities on or off the mining site or for completion of rehabilitation. Mining securities are calculated based on the amount of disturbance likely to be caused by the authorised mining activities.

Glencore, “open and transparent” government and the little EDO (NT) that could

In the Territory these amounts have previously been confidential, but we know it is important for Territorians to know the mining industry is being held accountable. With that in mind, we are moving in line with other jurisdictions to make security amounts available to the public: NT Minister Ken Vowles

A perfect storm. An insider’s view of failure of climate change policy in Australia

This is a guest post by lawyer and climate policy specialist Peter Shaw. It seems like a lifetime ago and I suppose it was. The year was 1989 and full of hope I joined the Australian Gas Light Company (AGL). In those distant, salad days AGL only sold gas (we will skate over a questionable [...]

Failed state, failed party. The Country Liberal Party’s “long march” back to electoral credibility

The CLP's 2016 election campaign was a shambles. Loughnane and Mitchell describe a"rudderless" and dramatically underfunded campaign. The Northern Myth understands that, notwithstanding the repeated assurances during the campaign that the CLP had a campaign war chest of $1 million, it was only after the election that the party's campaign debt of around $500,000 was revealed.

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